Logotipos APLP UE
Logotipos APLP UE


Extension of the Los Mármoles Dock (Arrecife, Lanzarote)


Building Specifications

1. Description of the Construction

The Port Authority, after a study carried out in August 2013 ( Attachment number 4:  Viability of the Solution Chosen) concluded that for Phase 1, a configuration of the port has been achieved that will guarantee the operational capacity of the current cruise ship dock, which is the extension of the main dock measuring a total length of 440 m, following the orientation and design of Alternative A2 (see Figure 1.1) and the building of a 110 m long dock exempt of any vertical features to the south of the existing Cruise Ship Dock, at 20 m distance, orientated perpendicular to said dock.

In this Project, the work corresponding to the extension of the existing Los Mármoles Dock will be carried out as the main achievement of Phase I.  In a later Project, said Phase will be completed with the execution of the exempt dock.
Continuing with the work foreseen in the “Extension of the Los Mármoles Dock”, we hereby proceed to describe the work necessary to be carried out in the project called the “Extension of the Los Mármoles Dock”.   

Estado inicial