New Access Carriageways to the Inter-island Terminal (Las Palmas)
Project Specifications
The construction work on this Project comprises the creation of new access carriageways to the inter-island terminal as well as the urbanisation of its surroundings. The new carriageways will be set out in the following manner:
Street 1 has a roundabout at either end, one at the intersection with Andrés Perdomo Street (existing roundabout) and the other at the intersection with Streets 1 and 2 (Roundabout 1). This street is eighty-eight metres and twenty centimetres (88.20 m) long and twenty-three metres (23 m.) wide. One side of the carriageway has two four-metre (4.00 m) wide lanes and the other side has one four-metre wide (4.00 m) lane. Two metres seventy centimetres (2.70 m.) wide parking spaces and two metres and eighty centimetres (2.80 m.) wide pavements are projected for both carriageways which will increase to five metres fifty cm. (5.50 m.) width at the accesses to the roundabouts.