New Entrance to the Puerto del Rosario Port Area
Technical Specifications
The scope of this Project is located on the Island of Fuerteventura, municipality of Puerto del Rosario, more specifically, at the access area to the port of Puerto del Rosario, at the commercial dock.
Description of the project’s surroundings
The area to be acted upon is the harbour of Puerto del Rosario, within the municipality of Puerto del Rosario, island of Fuerteventura. The surface to be acted upon is approximately 10,000 m2. The area already has several streets in use, such as the Ruperto Gonzalez Negrin Avenue which in itself is the access road to the port area of Puerto del Rosario (from the Almirante Lallemand Roundabout).
The scope of action falls within the following limits:
− To the North: Urban area of Puerto del Rosario
- To the South: The Commercial Dock
− To the East: General Management of the Merchant Marine and Harbourmaster of Las Palmas and (Port Authority) Multiuse Building.
- To the West: Nautical School Teaching Centre.
The area of the Project is characterised by fairly flat land with longitudinal slopes at close to 0.2% elevation where the mean level is 2.50 m. above Fuerteventura’s average sea level.
At present the access to the port area located at the northern end of the commercial docks is the main connecting point to the neurological centre of the port’s commercial activity. Access is by means of one of the branches coming out of the roundabout, into which the Ruperto González Negrín Avenue and the Almirante Lallemand Street converge.
This access road comprises a single carriageway with one lane in each direction, their width being between 3.60 and 3.75 metres and pavement on each side with a variable width of between 2 and 3 metres. The road has metal gates to close the area off, including the pavement.
On the west side of the Commercial Dock, the service area borders with Ruperto González Negrín Avenue, the extension of Reyes de España Avenue, with around 200 metres length between roundabouts connected by a two-lane dual carriageway with a 1.50-metre-wide division with palm trees between them. Both carriageways are two-laned and between 6.20 and 6.40 m. wide. On the outside, there are parallel parking spaces with entrances or limited access areas, coming to an end right before the roundabouts. On either side of the parking areas, there are pavements the width of which vary, but are generally more than 2 metres wide.
From the access to the Commercial Docks towards the east, Almirante Lallemand Street runs in both directions along the stretch closest to the roundabout that accesses the Port, thanks to a branch road starting at Comandante Díaz Trayter Street, heading south. Driving north, the Street is more than 1 km long from the roundabout that accesses the Commercial Dock until it reaches Barquillos Street.
Therefore, in the section closest to the roundabout, this street is made of an approximately 14 metres wide carriageway, although there is only one lane in each direction, with a width of 5 metres at the access to the roundabout and 4 metres at the exit from the roundabout. On the land side, there is a 2-metre-wide pavement and on the ocean side, there is no pavement in the first stretch, due to the islets and chevronned areas on the carriageway.
The roundabout outside the port area has three entrances and exits and a 33-metres outside diameter and a 15-metres inside diameter. Its interior contains a statue surrounded by bollards. The width of the carriageway inside the roundabout is 9 metres. All entrances to the roundabout are considered to be trumpet interchanges. Presently there are no vertical signposts in the roundabout except for the yield signs before the entrances to it. INSIDE ROADS
The carriageways inside the Commercial Dock area consist of two main streets that run north to south and through almost the entire area. The longest road is the one located on the east side of the dock next to the port’s surrounding wall and is 765 metres long. On the west side the carriageway comes to an end at about 375 metres from the access. There are four transversal connections that in addition to connecting the above-mentioned main carriageways, allow access to the different plots used to carry out activities, as well as to the docks. These cross-streets are between 90 and 145 metres long depending on the width of the esplanade of the dock and the separation between the lengthwise streets at each point.
In all cases, they are two-way streets with traffic markings and one lane per direction. These lanes are between 3.50 and 4 metres wide. From the lengthwise carriageway one cannot access the parking areas which are mostly on the plots under concession or next to the cross-streets.
Within the Project area, parking zones outside the service area are located in the cul-de-sac to the north of the port administration buildings. On this street there are approximately 25 parking spaces, most of which are angled spaces.
Within the Port, there are several parking areas, most are angled spaces and their capacity increases to around 58 spaces in the surroundings of the Project area.
Inside the port area and coinciding with the area closest to where the Project is to be carried out, the commercial dock, pedestrian itineraries are mostly set on asphalt identified with traffic markings.
To walk along the commercial dock lengthwise (N-S) there in only one path on the west side next to the carriageway, with an approximate width of 2.5 metres. This path is approximately 650 metres long. In addition, at the entrance to the dock and near the administrative buildings, to the north of the commercial dock, the urban area has different widths of pavement for pedestrians to use.
30 metres from the entrance to the commercial dock, on the ocean side (facing northeast) of Almirante Lallemand Street, there is a bus stop for Line 1 of the island bus service.
At the service area closest to the city, there are several buildings used for administrative purposes. To the west, there is a building used by the Harbourmaster and the east of that, the administrative offices of the Port Authority. It is an office building where the Port Authority of Las Palmas and organisations such as the Coastal Authority of the Canary Islands have their headquarters, as well as private companies, especially those in the port sector such as pilots and shipping companies.
In the middle part of the commercial dock, there is a maritime station or terminal belonging to the Port Authority of Las Palmas. It is a 400-square metre, single-floor building serving passengers at the dock.
The commercial dock also has two container terminals, with the following main characteristics: :
– Majorera Dockworks – 200 metres of berthing lines, draught of between 7 and 12 metres; 18,260 m2 surface and a Gantry Crane.
– Boluda Lines: 190 metres berthing, draught between 11 and 14 metres and Gantry Crane.
As to specific port facilities, we highlight, because of their repercussion on traffic within the port grounds: there are two fixed ramps for RO-RO traffic with a 6 and 9 metre draught, There are other elements in the area connected to services either as a part of the port or closest to it, the traffic generated by which could affect the access object of this Project. These will be studied next.
– Training and Conference Centre
– Provincial Labour Inspection and Social Security
– Los Pozos Beach
– Parking Area within the Port Zone.
This Project is to be developed within the municipality of Puerto del Rosario although, because of the characteristics and strategic location and situation, in addition to the Municipal General Spatial Planning Plan, there are other Spatial Planning instruments to be taken into account, such as:
Territorial Spatial Planning:
− the Fuerteventura Island Spatial Plan
Urban Planning
− General Spatial Planning of Puerto del Rosario.
- Special General Spatial Planning of the port of Puerto del Rosario Service Area PEOZS- 14
- Other Instruments
− Demarcation of Port Areas and Uses
− Infrastructure Master Plan for the Port of Puerto del Rosario PDI-04
This section is covered in Attachment 1.2.3. – Spatial Planning
Given the conditioning factors of the present condition and alternatives studied included in Attachment 1.2.5., a solution has been chosen that fulfils the initial objectives as follows:
- Adapts to what has been foreseen in the Special Spatial Planning of the Service Area in the Port of Puerto del Rosario.
– Improves current and future functionality of the access to the Port of Puerto del Rosario
– Guarantees the conditions for the police and customs staff to all entering or leaving the port area.
– Offers continuity to all non-motorised traffic within the Port area
– Integrates the Project in the relationship between the Port area and the City.
A direct connecting carriageway has also been projected between the Almirante Lallemand Avenue and the Port, achieving that space by demolishing the buildings of the old Yacht Club (not included in this Project and which is being carried out by the Port Authority of Las Palmas).
The area of the Port has been reconfigured by restricting it with the installation of fences and providing it with two accesses, a main one via the Port 2 area and controlled by a new building for the Port Police and Guardia Civil; and a secondary one allowing transit through the manoeuvring or turning basin area, especially for Cruise Ship traffic.
In reference to pedestrian communication between the Port and the city, a 4-metre-wide pavement has been installed and it continues along the northern border of the Project, allowing passengers from both regular or cruise ships to move along it from the berthing areas to the city itself.
With regard to the operation of the new solution, the level of service of all branches is maintained in Type A (with a direct exit from the Port no changes will be made to the level of service) and the outside roundabout still shows optimum levels of functionality at entry and departure rush hours.